El Salvador stands out as the country with the fewest migrants to the U.S. from the Northern Triangle of Central America.

Based on data reported by international media sources, El Salvador garnered attention as the Northern Triangle country, with the fewest migrants heading to the United States in the years 2021, 2022, and 2023.

El Salvador stands out as the Northern Triangle country with the fewest migrants heading to the United States, based on data reported by the Agence Française de Presse (AFP). The records reveal that in  20212022, and 2023, El Salvador had significantly fewer migrants than Guatemala and Honduras, highlighting its distinct position within the region. 

In a notable shiftthe number of migrants from El Salvador intercepted by U.S. border authorities in 2023 was 66,089, a significant decrease compared to the figures for Guatemala (261,364) and Honduras (234,801).

Based on U.S. Customs and Border Protection records, AFP dataalso reveal that the number of Salvadoran migrants exceeded 100,000 only in 2021. However, a downward trend was observed in 2022 and 2023.

The change in migratory patterns coincides with the positive developments witnessed during Nayib Bukele’s current five-year term in El Salvador. Notably, the improvements in security, such as the dismantling of significant gangs and the reduction in homicide rates, have played a pivotal role. These changes directly address a critical factor that previously drove migration, as highlighted by international organizations.

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