El Salvador’s Elections 2024

By: Hugh Talley

The General elections will be held on 4 February 2024 to elect the President, vice president, and the 60 deputies of the Legislative Assembly.Â

Nayib Bukele is running for reelection. President Bukele’s accomplishments as President include

 Decreasing the murder rate to historic lows.

In September 2022, President Bukele launched. 

‘My New School’ a project that comprehensively changed the national education system, including remodeling over 5000 schools and constructing new schools. Incorporating components focused on student health, technology in the classroom, teacher training, early childhood care, and curriculum renewal.

In June of 2023, President Bukele started the construction project to rebuild the Rosales Hospital in San Salvador.

In February 2022, President Bukele inaugurated the second economic boost to promote tourism and the development of El Salvador. This included the expansion of the passenger terminal at El Salvador International Airport.

In my opinion, President Bukele has done an excellent job. I have lived here for the past 12 years and have never seen the country safer or in better shape than it is now.

The following is from a San Salvador newspaper on the election; it explains the process. From all indications, President Bukele will be reelected for another five-year term.

Voting intention for Nayib Bukele is 70.9%, according to UFG poll

The poll also reflects a voting intention of 54.7% for Nuevas Ideas in the municipal council elections. Likewise, for the legislative elections, the poll projects that Nuevas Ideas would win 57 of the 60 deputies.

The Center for Citizen Studies (CEC), of the Francisco Gavidia University (UFG), published a survey on Monday, January 15, which reflects voting intentions for the next presidential, congressional and mayoral elections to be held in El Salvador.

The poll shows a voting intention for the presidential elections in which the candidate of Nuevas Ideas, Nayib Bukele, has a wide lead over his other opponents. According to the study, Nayib Bukele currently enjoys 70.9% of voting intentions.

The presidential candidate who follows Bukele in voting intentions, according to the UFG poll, is Manuel Flores of the FMLN, who has just 2.9% voting intentions. Behind him is Joel Sanchez from Arena, who has 2.7%.

Other presidential candidates with minimal percentages of voting intentions are Luis Parada of Nuestro Tiempo, with 1.1%, and Marina Murillo of FPS, and José Javier Renderos of Fuerza Solidaria, with only 0.6% each.

For the legislative elections, the UFG poll projects an almost absolute majority of deputies for Nuevas Ideas in the Legislative Assembly. According to the study, Nuevas Ideas would be winning 57 of the 60 deputies in contention.

Meanwhile, the remaining three seats would be divided between the Arena party, with two, and the PDC, with one, according to the poll.

Finally, the UFG poll reflects a majority of voting intentions for Nuevas Ideas in the municipal council elections. For these elections, the study shows a voting intention of 54.7% for New Ideas.

Meanwhile, for municipal councils, Arena has 5.8% of voting intentions; GANA, 3.3%; PDC, 3%; FMLN, 2.8%; PCN, 1.7% and Vamos, 1%. While other parties that do not achieve 1% of voting intentions are Nuestro Tiempo, with 0.9%; Fuerza Solidaria, with 0.7%; Democratic Change, 0.6%; and SPF, 0.1%.

The survey only published, specifically, the study of voting intentions for the new municipality of La Libertad Este, made up of Antiguo CuscatlĂĄn, Nuevo CuscatlĂĄn, HuizĂșcar, Zaragoza and San JosĂ© Villanueva. For this municipality, the New Ideas party and its candidate Michelle Sol have 45% of voting intentions against the Arena party, which with its candidate and current mayor, Milagro Navas, have 26.8%.

The study, the CEC said, was conducted from Jan. 3 to Jan. 8 and included interviews and a mock vote.

President Nayib Bukele

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