El Salvador’s Government Initiates “Join the U” Campaign in the United States

“Join the U” Campaign Debuts in Los Angeles to Empower Salvadoran Education

The “Join the U” initiative, a cornerstone of the Servicios El Salvador + program, debuted in Los Angeles, California. This international campaign is a collaborative effort involving 13 private universities and the University of El Salvador.

The launch event saw a significant turnout from the Salvadoran community in Los Angeles, rallied by the local Consulate of El Salvador. On the inaugural day alone, over 120 individuals showed enthusiasm for pursuing or initiating their online academic journeys.

Designed to inform Salvadorans globally about their educational opportunities, the “Join the U” Campaign promotes over 60 fully online programs sanctioned by the National Directorate of Higher Education. The most sought-after fields include graphic design, programming, psychology, business administration, and legal sciences.

Distinguished attendees included Cindy Portal, Deputy Minister of Diaspora and Human Mobility from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Erick Doradea, Deputy Minister of Culture; and Christian Aparicio, National Director of Higher Education from MINEDUCYT.

The event also welcomed representatives from the three Salvadoran higher education associations—AUPRIDES, CIESCE, and CONARES—and delegates from the participating educational institutions.

Christian Aparicio highlighted the significant role of President Nayib Bukele’s public policies in fostering such initiatives. These policies have paved the way for Salvadorans, once displaced by economic strife and violence, to reconnect with their homeland through academic pursuits.

Aparicio extended an invitation to the attendees, urging them to join the ranks of Salvadorans overseas who are choosing to make a difference in their country through the power of education.

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