Our Sunday Getaway at Atami Beach Resort

Elizabeth and I met with our friends Krissia and her mom at Atami Beach Resort on Sunday. We explored the beach, enjoyed the scenery and good food, and had an enjoyable day with our friends. 

Atami Escape Resort: A Coastal Sanctuary

Nestled amidst the rugged cliffs of the Salvadoran coast, the Atami Escape Resort beckons weary souls to unwind and reconnect with nature. Here, the relentless pace of city life fades into the background, replaced by the soothing rhythm of crashing waves and the salty breeze.

Key Features:

  • Breathtaking Views: Perched on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, the resort offers stunning vistas that stretch as far as the eye can see. Black sand beaches—Atami (a private beach) and Palmarcito—frame the horizon, inviting guests to explore their untamed beauty.

Dining Experience at the Resort:  

When it comes to dining at the resort, there’s a distinct contrast between the two options:

  1. Beachside Delivery: If you opt for food to be brought to your beach area, my experience was that it fell below expectations. The quality left something to be desired.
  2. Seated Restaurant: However, the difference is remarkable when you visit the sit-down restaurant. The food and service are significantly better.Â
  3. At the restaurant, they were promoting a Guatemalan beer, Gallo, which means rooster in Spanish. Gallo, in Guatemala, is a renowned pale lager, the country’s oldest continuously produced beer. Its rich history traces back to 1896, making it a significant part of Guatemalan culture and heritage. I found it to be a very good beer.

  • Cozy Accommodations: The resort boasts a boutique hotelÂdesigned to surround guests comfortably. Â
  • Palm-Roofed Retreats: Seek shade under the natural palm ranchos, where hammocks sway gently. Lose track of time as you sip a chilled drink and let the sun kiss your skin.
  • Aquatic Adventures: Thrill-seekers can plunge the water slide, surrounded by lush greenery. For those who prefer a more leisurely experience, there are seven pools to choose from—two for adults, two for children, and three filled with invigorating seawater.
  • Waterfront Bliss: Whether paddleboarding, surfing or simply floating on the gentle waves, the resort’s water activities promise endless fun.

At Atami Escape Resort, time slows down, and the natural world embraces you like an old friend. Come, escape the ordinary, and let the ocean weave its magic.

We enjoyed the time with our friends and look forward to reuniting with them again soon.

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